Spire increases customer assistance funding in Missouri
Additional $500,000 toward helping customers on limited incomes.

ST. LOUIS (Nov. 7, 2023) — To provide more help to customers who are struggling to pay their bills amid inflation and rising costs, Spire is increasing assistance funding for those with limited incomes.
Following approval earlier this year from the Missouri Public Service Commission, Spire Missouri is committing an additional $500,000 toward “low-income heating assistance,” including weatherization and the Critical Medical Needs Program.
These efforts build upon the more than $33 million in federal, state and Spire energy assistance funding Spire helped customers access during fiscal year 2023.
“We know the impact inflation has on customers, and we’re focused on making sure options are available to those who are struggling,” says Steve Mills, Spire Missouri President.
Among options:
- The Payment Partner Program provides a monthly bill credit and matches payments toward past-due amounts for individuals who qualify.
- Last year, Spire made changes to the DollarHelp program, providing assistance to customers whose household incomes are up to 300% of the federal poverty level. The maximum total annual pledge amount also increased from $700 to $1,000 per household.
- The Critical Medical Needs Program assists customers experiencing a medical emergency and suspends potential disconnection of their service for up to 30 days. Spire, along with other utilities, provides financial support for this assistance network in partnership with the United Way. Participation in the program requires certification from a health care provider or case worker.
Spire’s team of customer support specialists are available to help customers access tools and programs to manage their energy use and bills. This includes budget billing, payment arrangements and Spire’s energy assessment tool, as well as programs such as the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), a federally funded program that assists vulnerable customers with their immediate energy needs.
For a complete of programs to help you manage your bill, or to learn more about Spire assistance programs and options, visit SpireEnergy.com/Assistance.