‘811 Day’ – Spire reminds customers to make critical phone call before digging

August 11th is an annual reminder for customers to make a free call to 811 before putting a shovel in the ground.

ST. LOUIS (August 8, 2024) — Spire joins other utilities around the country in recognizing August 11 as “811 Day,” an annual safety initiative to remind the public about the importance of calling 811 before starting any digging project.

The annual initiative is led by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) to ensure the practice of safe digging is echoed in communities across the country.

“It doesn’t matter how small your digging project is, place a call to 811 is an important first step to take before you grab a shovel,” said Alan Meyer, Spire Damage Prevention Manager. “Calling 811 at least three working days prior to excavation means you’ve done your part to protect yourself and your neighbors.”

Regardless of how in-depth the digging project is, it requires a phone call to 811 to prevent accidents involving utility pipelines. This can range from a large construction project like a home build, to the installation of a new mailbox.

When a customer makes a free call to 811, a locator will mark the utilities within the requested area. This saves time, money and even lives. There is a 99% chance of avoiding contact with a utility pipeline by calling 811 before digging, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.

That’s why Spire recommends these steps for safe digging:

  • Dial 811 to request a site be marked. The call and the locating services are free.
  • Call at least three days before digging. A locator will mark lines that could be impacted by your project. Spire lines will be marked with yellow flags and/or spray paint.
  • Be careful when digging around the markers to avoid accidentally damaging buried natural gas or other utility lines.

If a pipeline is ever damaged:

  • Never try to stop or slow down the flow of natural gas
  • Move to a safe distance upwind of the damage
  • Keep others away from the area
  • Never try to move equipment from the area
  • Call 911
  • Call Spire
  • Call 811, a nationwide toll-free number, to report the damage

For more information about safe digging and excavation, visit spireenergy.com/call-you-dig or contact Spire’s Damage Prevention Department at Alan.Meyer@spireenergy.com.