Supporting a neighbor in need 

How a Spire employee in Mobile, Ala. went above and beyond to help the community  

Spire employee Danny Caylor and Mrs. Yonge 
Mrs. Yonge knew it was fate the day she noticed Spire employee Danny Caylor working in her neighborhood. Her water heater hadn’t been working for several weeks, and she needed help.

Mrs. Yonge said Spire had come out to check on it but ended up having to turn the appliance off for safety due to a roof leak that was causing water to run down the water heater and extinguish the pilot light. She also shared with Danny that since she could not afford to get her roof and the water heater repaired, she had been using her stove to heat water for baths.

Danny decided he would do everything he could to make sure she could get her roof repaired so she could use her water heater. When he had a chance to inspect the roof, he saw a large hole that was causing the leak. 

In his free time, Danny purchased roofing materials and used his more than 30 years of construction experience to make a temporary repair to the roof. This stopped the leak and allowed Mrs. Yonge to get her water heater working again.

Knowing the roof still needed to be permanently repaired, Danny reached out to Sharon Moffatt, Spire’s regional manager for the Mobile, Alabama area, and asked about putting together a Day for Good to help. Sharon, who serves on the board of United Way of Southwest Alabama, contacted the organization and explained the situation. They offered to sponsor the project and pay for the materials needed to make the final repair.

On Friday, Aug. 2, a team from Spire spent the day at Mrs. Yonge's home doing yardwork and repairing and clearing debris from the roof.

Today, Mrs. Yonge has a new roof and working water heater. Danny reflects, “I’m happy that we could come together and help our neighbor,” Danny reflects. “That’s really what it’s all about.”