Growing farming, cooking and life skills

Jones Valley Teaching Farm’s (JVTF) After School Programs provide learning and lessons in culinary, gardening, and life skills for students at six Birmingham City Schools elementary and middle schools. While students plant and maintain gardens, they gain cooking and nutrition knowledge, build social skills, and learn what it means to be positive contributors to their communities.
Program offerings include:
- After-school Culinary and Farm Clubs
- Student-run markets
- Internships and Apprenticeships
- Community engagement opportunities
- Good School Food pre-K-12 in-school education and field trips
- Spring and summer Camp Grow
“Jones Valley Teaching Farm’s Good School Food education connects sustainable farming, culinary skills, community, and STEM learning for students. When students graduate from our after-school clubs, they’ll not only have greater technical skills, they’ll also experience social and emotional growth like self-empowerment and reliance,” said Nicole Carpenter, director of development and communications at Jones Valley Teaching Farm.
For nearly 10 years, Spire has proudly supported Jones Valley Teaching Farm and their programming through the Spire Serves program, providing both financial support and employee volunteer time.
“We’re proud supporters of the culinary industry —and Jones Valley provides programming that's near to our hearts by helping children and young adults gain life skills and fulfillment through food,” said Joe Hampton, Spire Alabama president.

To learn more about Jones Valley Teaching Farm and all the programs they offer students in the Birmingham area, please visit their website here.